Gastroenterologist Service in Katy, TX
Due to age or over-consumption of alcohol and anti-inflammatories, the lining of the stomach can start to thin out and become inflamed. This leads to prolonged indigestion and constant pain in the upper abdomen, better known as gastritis. Most of the time, this is easily spotted and treated by a gastroenterologist, but sometimes it can go on without any symptoms and can cause future health issues if not treated properly.
What is Gastritis?
Gastritis is when the stomach lining becomes inflamed or irritated. This can happen suddenly, called acute gastritis, or over time, which is called chronic gastritis. Luckily for most people, gastritis can improve quickly with the right treatment. Without proper treatment, it can sometimes lead to ulcers or it can increase the risk of stomach cancer.
What are the common symptoms?
Not every case will cause the same symptoms, but if you are experiencing any of the following for more than a week, it is a good idea to call your gastroenterologist or doctor.
Vomiting – blood or material that looks like coffee grounds
Burning ache or pain (constant indigestion) in your upper abdomen that becomes better or worse with eating
Black, tarry stool
Causes and Risk Factors
Gastritis is almost always the result of infection with the same bacteria that causes most stomach ulcers. Big contributions include drinking too much alcohol and regular consumption of pain relievers. In some cases, gastritis can increase risks of stomach cancer and ulcers.
Diagnosis of Gastritis
Your doctor will probably suspect gastritis fairly easily after a quick examination of your medical history, but in some instances, tests will be necessary to get to the root of the cause.
Many times, a gastroenterologist will test for the bacterium H. pylori, perform an endoscopy, or take an X-ray of your upper digestive system. They are looking for signs of inflammation or any abnormalities in the stomach, small intestine, or esophagus that can help them pinpoint the gastritis and help them decide what the best form of treatment is.
Treatment Options
Gastritis treatment depends on how severe the case is. If someone is dealing with acute gastritis caused by alcohol and pain medication, it could be easily relieved by stopping the use of these things.
There are also several medications that can treat gastritis
Medications that reduce acid
Medications that block acid and promote healing
Without proper treatment, gastritis can lead to ulcers or stomach bleeding. Consult with your physician or gastroenterologist if you experience any symptoms of gastritis.